
Game sports

Location: right wing, 2nd floor, sports hall No. 2.
Abramov Serhii Anatoliyovych - senior teacher, responsible for the "Volleyball" training department, KSSU volleyball;
Zoya Viktorivna Sirovatko - senior lecturer, MSU volleyball.
About discipline:
Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in our country.
Boys and girls of all fitness levels practice volleyball in the section. If you don't have volleyball skills, qualified teachers will teach you how to play in half a year. There are two playgrounds in the sports hall. Many balls, which are enough for everyone.
Classes with students are held once a week during one semester.
In volleyball classes, you will learn:

  •     various forms of motor activity;
  •     develop accuracy and speed of movements;
  •     exercises designed specifically for you will contribute to the development of the cardiovascular, nervous, and respiratory systems, improve metabolism, and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

The teachers of the "Volleyball" educational department are waiting for you and guarantee a good mood and interesting and useful lessons.The main goals of volleyball classes:

  •         increasing the body's functional capabilities by means of volleyball classes;
  •         promotion of all-round harmonious development, rejection of bad habits, improvement of mental and physical capacity;
  •         forming an opinion about systematic physical exercises taking into account the specifics of their future profession, physical self-improvement and a healthy lifestyle;
  •         acquisition by students and pupils of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of physical education for the purpose of disease prevention, health restoration and professional efficiency improvement;
  •         mastering the methods of determining physical condition and self-control;
  •         education of organizational skills, personal hygiene and hardening of the body;
  •         the ability to compose and perform exercises from morning hygienic gymnastics complexes; improvement of sports skills of students.