Action plan for the implementation of the National Strategy for Physical Fitnes
Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of 19.08.2020 № 1043-r (amendments were made in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 382 of 21.04.2021)
Ukraine for the period up to 2025 "Physical activity - a healthy lifestyle - a healthy nation" for 2021
The main measures are:
Development of a set of indicators to assess the level physical health of different groups of the population
Formation of the value attitude of youth, children and youth to their own health, improvement of physical development and physical training taking into account the requirements of future professional activity
Modernization of the physical education system that should be organically combined with other components of a healthy lifestyle; strengthening the responsibility of heads of educational institutions for the provision, development and modernization of physical education and the appropriate level of physical activity
Introduction of a system for monitoring the main indicators of physical activity of different age and social groups, stimulating and restraining factors
Implementation of the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of 19.08.2020 № 1043-r (amended in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 382 of 21.04.2021)
On approval of the action plan for the implementation of the National Strategy for Physical Activity in Ukraine for the period up to 2025 "Physical activity - a healthy lifestyle - a healthy nation" for 2021
in KPI. Igor Sikorsky
1st stage: acquaintance with structural subdivisions of NTUU "KPI" named after AND.Sikorsky on physical education and sports (CFVS, SC (sports section), the Department of Health and Sports Technologies (discipline "Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle", elective disciplines in sports and physical activity).
Means: mass media, social networks, sites of divisions.
2nd stage: 1) Acquisition of theoretical knowledge on bases of conducting a healthy way of life physical condition for the realization of personal preferences and motivation to engage in the chosen type of physical activity or sport
Means: training course on "Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle" (3 credits), tests of physical and functional fitness ( Laboratory of the Department of Health and Sports Technologies).
Stage 3: Implementation of the motivational component for the use of tools and methods to promote health and improve physical condition with the help of the selected type of physical activity and sports.
Засо bi: practical course in physical education (elective disciplines 2 credits) for personal choice of physical activity and sports on the sports base of CFVS and small sports core:
- Cyclical sports (athletics-fitness, swimming
- Game sports (volleyball, basketball, football).
- Power sports (athletic gymnastics with elements of weightlifting and powerlifting).
- Complex coordination sports (tennis, table tennis, gymnastics, aerobics, shaping, hiking and climbing,)
- Martial arts (hand-to-hand combat, boxing, taekwondo).
Stage 4: formation of personal need for physical activity and sports. Physical and sports improvement of acquired skills in the chosen sport.
Means: classes on the section-club principle of personal choice up to 6 times a week according to the approved schedule in extracurricular time. {{1 }}
Subdivisions of NTUU "KPI" them. I. Sikorsky on physical education and sports:
. The Department of Health and Sports Technologies of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering is a general university department, whose teachers conduct theoretical and practical classes in the discipline "Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle", as well as various types of physical activity and sports (elective disciplines).
Department structure (educational departments):
- Aerobics
- Athletic gymnastics
- Basketball
- Martial arts
- Volleyball
- Athletics-fitness
- Football
- Table tennis
- Swimming
- Gymnastics
- Tennis
- Hiking and climbing
- Shaping
Among the teachers are masters of sports, masters of sports of international class, candidates of science.
areas of activity of the department. In addition to organizing and conducting sports and health work at the faculties, such people in charge solve issues that arise in the process of conducting control measures in the discipline "Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle" and elective disciplines.
ІІ. Sports and Technical Center "Kyiv Polytechnic" CFV