Rock climbing festival at KPIskala
On May 22-27, 2023, the KPIskala Bravely Week Bouldering Festival was held at the KPIskala climbing wall, the funds raised from the festival were partially used to award the participants and winners of the festival, and part of the funds went to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The festival was organised and held at the KPI "Polytechnic" Sports Complex in the KPIskala hall. The aim of the festival was to promote climbing among young people and to raise funds to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
For climbers, perhaps the most important thing is the routes they have to climb and their complexity.
The team of route setters prepared 25 brand new bouldering routes of varying difficulty, both for beginners who have just started climbing and for advanced climbers!
The competitions were held according to a system of ranking participants according to the difficulty of the routes they had climbed, the higher the number, the more difficult the route):
- beginners (climbing category up to 6B inclusive)
- amateurs (climbing category up to and including 7A)
- pros (could take part outside the competition as a training session)
All participants registered in 7 groups. Each group had the opportunity to climb for 2 hours. The first 5 groups were divided into days of performances, the last two groups performed on the last day. One group had up to 15 participants and up to 2 hours of climbing.
All participants and winners were awarded with cool prizes from our partners, as well as our themed cups.
The partners of our festival were:
FA gear - a dynamic and progressive brand that works on creating equipment for mountaineering, climbing, caving, mountain tourism, and work at height. With experience in the production of safety equipment since 1995, as well as relying on the experience and advice of famous climbers, mountaineers and cavers, many of the brand's products, such as carabiners, sleeping bags, compasses, gas burners, thermal cookware and other equipment, are currently helping our Armed Forces.
Thank you for your support!
The winners of our KPIskala Bravely Week festival received useful gifts.
About 130 climbers took part in our event, most of them were students, graduates and employees of our university, as well as climbers from other climbing circles, not only