«ФІЗИЧНЕ ВИХОВАННЯ В КОНТЕКСТІ СУЧАСНОЇ ОСВІТИ»   On 16 June, the Department of Physical Education and Sports Training of the NAU FLSC organised and held the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Physical Education in the Context of Modern Education". The Kyiv City Branch of the Committee for Physical Education and Sports (CPES) of the Ministry of Education and Science expresses its sincere gratitude to the Department of Physical Education and Sports Training of the National Aviation University (NAU) for organising and holding a scientific conference at a high organisational level. We would also like to thank the co-organisers of the conference - National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAPM), Olympic Academy of Ukraine - for their joint efforts in preparing and holding the conference. The work of the participants contributed to the development of scientific dialogue and raising awareness in the field of physical education, sports and modern education.

    The conference was attended by S. Bobrovnyk, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Kyiv City Department of the Committee on Physical Education and Sports of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, V. Semenenko, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Sports and Management of the NUES, L. Radchenko, Dean of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine, Professor, Head of the Department of Olympic Sports of the NUES, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Wrestling Federation of Ukraine Korobeynikov G. V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the FLSC Kokareva A. M., Head of the Luhansk Regional Branch of the NOC of Ukraine Ostretsov V. V. and scientists in the field of physical education and sports from Germany, Poland, Croatia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, China and Ukraine, 107 participants in total.
    During the conference, significant reports were presented and discussed by leading Ukrainian experts in the field of physical education of young people and their attitude to personal health. The problems of the Olympic movement during military operations were also discussed.
These keynote presentations provided a deeper understanding of current issues related to physical activity and youth health. They enriched the scientific awareness of the conference participants and stimulated intensive discussions to find rational solutions and ways to overcome challenges in these areas.
    The presentations facilitated a joint exchange of ideas and research between national and international conference participants. It is important that such events support an active scientific dialogue and promote the introduction of innovations in the practice of pedagogy, physical education and sports.
    The opportunity to discuss the problems of the Olympic movement during military operations also opened up important prospects for further research and cooperation to ensure sports development even in difficult conditions of conflict.
    All these reports made a significant contribution to raising awareness and developing research in the relevant fields, and will undoubtedly become a valuable source for the future collection of articles to be published in the near future.
    After the conference, it is planned to prepare and publish a collection of articles that will allow the scientific community to learn about new research and achievements in these areas. This publication will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and expand the horizons of scientific cooperation in these areas.
   We wish you success in your future research efforts and cooperation with international partners! Let this event be just the beginning of new achievements and fruitful cooperation for our university.